Unit 1.2 Scriptwriting

Task 1:

It was 10:30pm in Turkey. A hotel called Miracle. The Cox family who are Jo, Carl, Alfie and Izzy are on holiday with their friends Helen, Martin, Lauren and Emily. They have been best friends for twenty years and love going on holiday in the summer together.

It is their 8th night being there and the kids Alfie, Izzy, Lauren and Emily are heading to the beach. When they get there they discover an unusual shape shining against the light from the moon. As they get closer they discover it is a lilo someone has left behind. Without anyone about they quickly take the lilo and head back to the hotel.

On their way back to the hotel, they come across a large group of people dancing by the pool bar. With quick thinking the children rush to the garden, which runs along the side of the hotel, so no one can spot them. Luckily no one spots them carrying the massive lilo and successfully make it to the hotel doors. Soon after they get in the hotel they stumble across the bar which happens to be where Jo, Carl, Martin and Helen are at. The shock to their faces was like they just saw a ghost however this expression shortly left their faces and suddenly turned to grins. After an hour of laughing and drinking the two family's finally decide to go back to their rooms.

Carrying the lilo through the lobby the children look ridiculous. They are waiting for the lift for long time as there is as long queue for the lift. Five minutes have gone and the two family's finally get a lift which holds 10 people so they luckily can all get in it together even with the lilo. They all gather in the lift one by one and Martin presses the button to floor number 8. Izzy isa holding the lilo at this point and sees something in the corner of her eyes. As she turns her head she quickly realises a massive bug which was as big as a shoe, flew out of the lilo and around the lift. As quick as a flash Emily ran out of the lift before the doors even shut and Izzy followed her leaving the lilo behind. The people in the lobby could hear the screams from the lift. "Ahhhhhhhhhh" the two family's yelled from the top of their lungs. Just before the doors shut the unusual fly buzzes out into the lobby leaving the hotel guests very confused too what it is. After a while the families manage to calm down from laughing and screaming but will never know what the bug was in that lift.

Task 2:

-What is the perspective it is written in?
A script is always written in the 3rd person.
-Is a script written in past, present or future tense?
A script is written in the present tense.
-On average, how much of the script is spent describing what is going on (answer as a percentage)?
About 70% of the script is spent on describing what is going on.
-List different things that were described or could be described in the "action" part of the script.
Props, location, costumes, sound and characters are the things that could be described in the "action" part of the script.

Task 3:

Header/ Slug lines:
Interior or Exterior. Location - Time of day

Action lines:

  • Describes what is happening in the scene.
  • Should be describing only what you can see.\
  • Name of character should all be in capitals. 
Shows who's speaking.

Task 4:

Task 5:

Task 6:

Task 9:
