Unit 1.1 Camrera

Brooklyn 99 Video and Questions

LINK     https://youtu.be/V2U2dTh_nCE


1. What was the task you were asked to complete?
We was asked to create our own version of the television show Brooklyn 99 title sequence. To do this we filmed three characters individually for about 10 seconds to show a short clip of what their personality are like. Then we was asked to put our videos onto Adobe Premier so we could then edit the footage.

2. How successful were you at completing this task?
I think some elements of the task set were more successful than others. For example, I think I have done well with cutting the clips up so they show the most important parts of the clips and so they are not too long. I also think the text with the actors name comes in at perfect timing and at the right speed.

3. What skills did you have to use to complete this task?
There were a number of skills I had to use in this task as there was a lot of different elements to it. Firstly, I had to film the characters using a tripod and a Cannon camera. On Adobe Premier I had to use the pen tool to cut each character out which had to be done carefully. I created a colour matte which was the colour behind the character but I lowered the opacity so you could still see the background. Another skill I used was too make the text and the bar move onto the screen at perfect timing. I did this by putting the timers on with the direction tool.

4. In what ways were your skill set challenged in this task?
My knowledge of how too use some of the tools were not that confident but once I started to use the tools after a while I understood what they did and how I was meant to use them. The pen tool to cut out the characters was the most trickiest for me because it had to be very precise and it took a lot of time to do it correctly.

5. If you were to carry out the production again, what changes would you make?
If I was to carry out the production again, I would change it by making sure the lighting is better. This is because I think that the lighting on the characters faces was not flattering on them. I would also change the angle on the first character shown in the title sequence because the characters action of putting rubbish in the bin and missing it, doesn't show the rubbish not going in that clearly.

6. If you were to carry out the post-production again, what changes would you make?
If I was to carry out the post-production again, I would change it by making the bar and text come in quicker. This is because I think it would look more sharp and be more interesting for the viewer to watch. I would also change the font of the text because I feel that it could stand out more.

8. How did you perform working individual?
I think I did well working individually because I managed to use the tools correctly by myself. I also decided where I wanted the still frames of the characters too show from the clip as I feel like it is the most important part of the sequence as it captures the characters facial expression. This shows their personalities the most in the whole sequence.

9.What aspect of the project did you enjoy the most?
The aspect I enjoyed the most from this project is the pen tool to cut out the character. This is because I had never used this tool before so I was excited to learn something new and because it took quite a long time, I found it rewarding after finished it. I also reasonably enjoyed the filming aspect as I got to go out and use the camera and tripod.

10. How could you apply the skills you learned in this project to future projects?
With the new skills I have learned from this project I can use them in future projects for when I use Adobe Premier again. The skills I learned will save me time and I will know what I am doing. I will also feel more confident in using the camera and tripod again because I now know how to use them correctly.

Image result for Street photography

Photography Analysis
This photograph is taken by Eolo Perfido.

One of the reasons I like this photo is because it is in black and white. I like this in the photograph because it makes the zebra crossing stand out on the road.

I also like how the woman walking in the photo is in line with the wings on the garage door. This creates the illusion that she has wings on her back. This means that this photo was taken at a very specific time and angle.

However, I do not like the fact that the photo doesn't show the sky or the top of the building. This is because it makes it harder as a viewer to see the setting the photo is taken place.

Another part of the photo I do not like is the road. This is because this is the only part of the photo where there is noting going on in it. This makes this space seem wasted and is not interesting to look at.

Advanced Photography Analysis

Image result for Gregory Crewdson

The purpose of this photo is too show the story of the man in it. This is done by showing him in the rain with his car door wide open with his bag outside. This suggests that this person is feeling lonely or upset. This photograph was taken on a road in Beverly Hills. This photograph is taken from a far distance so the photographer can capture lots of elements in the photo. Because it is taken from a far distance, it shows the man in the photograph is lonely as he is in a big space with no one else around him.

There are a lot of dark areas with the lighting in this photo which suggests, its a dull and sad photo. The sky in the top left of the photo shows the viewer that this photo was taken at night as a the sky is dark. This may make the viewer feel miserable or mysterious.

The main feature in the photo is of the man and the car. This means that the viewers eyes are drawn to this part of the photo. It is the main feature because they are in the center of the photo.


Rule of Thirds: need space in front of a person so there is an area they are looking or doing an action in. The horizon should be on one of the horizontal lines on the grid on the camera.

Center Framing: Having a person or object in the center of the photo. This can make the person look lonely or make them look important. It can also draw the viewers eyes onto the object or person more.

Frame in Frame: this is using an object to create the frame of the photo.

Foreground/ mid-ground/ background: Foreground is parts of the photo where it is up close, the mid-ground falls somewhere in the middle and background are parts that are far away.       

Frame in Frame: this is using an object to create the frame of the photo.

Camera Skills and Questions

1.    Focal length
What are the focal length options?The focal length options are 18, 24, 35 and 55 in millimeters.
What different effects can you create? You can zoom in to make the object or person closer in the photo taken.
Can you think of a narrative scenario where you might choose a short vs a long one? I would choose a short shot if I wanted to capture a certain part of a person or object like an eye.
2.    White balance
How do you change the white balance?You press the WB button then there will be a variety of options to select so you can choose any depending on which colour you want the photo to be.
Why would you? would want to change the white balance so you can change the colour of the lighting in the photo.
3.        Aperture
What are the options?  The option are 4.5, 5, 5.6, 6.3, 7.1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 and 29.
How do you reach them? You go to the menu and hold down the AV button whilst moving the dial at the top of the camera to change the aperture.
4.    Shutter speed
What shutter speeds are there? The shutter speeds are BULB, 30", 25", 20", 15", 13", 10", 8", 6", 5", 4", 3"2, 2"5, 2", 1"6, 1"3, 1", 0"8, 0"6, 0"5, 0"4, 0"3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/13, 1/15, 1/20, 1/25, 1/30, 1/40, 1/50, 1/60, 1/80, 1/100, 1/125, 1/160, 1/200, 1/250, 1/320, 1/400, 1/500, 1/640, 1/800, 1/1000, 1/1250, 1/1600, 1/2000, 1/2500, 1/3200, 1/4000.
Which is best for showing the speed of an object?The best to show the speed of an object is 1/125.
Which is best for capturing a fast moving object in perfect stillness? The best for capturing a fast moving object in perfect stillness is 1/4000.
5.    ISO
Which is best for blowing the image up very large? 100 ISO.
Which is best for very low light? 3200 ISO.
Which is best for very low light where the detail of the image is important, and you want to blow it up large? 400 ISO.

Photoshop Skills

La Haine Scene Analysis

La Haine Reshoot

La Haine Clip  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHO1LzLgIg&t=1s
My La Haine Videos -  https://youtu.be/ARGq_kMtUKM

180 Rule


What genre did you decide to make the scene? (Eg dramatic, romcom etc)
The genre I decided to the scene is drama.

Why did you decide on the scenario you chose?
Because the script worked well with the actors and the location had lots of space to shoot in.

Were there any issues with the group?
There were no issues in the group.

Would you work with the same people again (any concerns about specific people tell me in class not on the blog!)?

Did you know exactly what your role was?
I was the cinematic photographer. 

What was it?
To be in charge of the camera.

Did you perform your role alright? (Were you pleased/were there issues?)
I think I performed my role well as some of the shots were very good but some had bad lighting. 

How was the group’s timekeeping?
Our time keeping was very good.

Who was in charge of this?
All of us.

Who did what in the group?
Actors - Keeley and Leah
Director - James
Audio - Josh
Cinematic photographer - Izzy

Who was the best in their role?

Looking at the final edit, what would you change if you were to shoot again?

I would change the lighting in some of the shots. I would also change the shot angle when the camera is over Keeley's shoulder because it is at an awkward angle.

Was the brief clear (if not, why do you say that)?
Yes I understood what to do.

Did you run through the performances first (blocking them out, rehearsing)?
Yes we did blocking rehearsed the lines of the script.

Did you meet the brief first time around? If not, what was the feedback?
No we had to re film because the audio equipment was not on the right settings.

What could happen next in the film? 

Look carefully at the first three-five cuts you made. Why did you make them then?
